TRI•SPEC Ltd. - Construction Specification Experts
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How Can We Help?

At Tri•SPEC Limited, we provide professional services aimed at producing coordinated and appropriate specification documents. Our goal is to work closely with you to prepare a set of documents that are both coordinated with the drawings and accurately reflect your design intent.

Every project manual is personally prepared by Chris Johnson, FCSC, RSW, MAATO, CCS, the founder and President of Tri•SPEC Limited.

We start from a master specification that has been developed and tested over the past 20+ years and is continually being maintained to reflect the latest industry standards and practices. Each project manual is then compiled and edited to reflect your project's special requirements. We work closely with your design team to ascertain and verify these project-specific requirements.

At Tri•SPEC Limited, we typically prepare the bidding forms and requirements, the contractual requirements, the general requirements, and the architectural specification Sections for building construction projects.  Oftentimes, we are also retained to prepare draft landscaping and structural specification Sections, which are then reviewed and marked-up by each of those respective consultants.

We understand that completing the specifications in a timely manner is critical to your client's project schedule. We work within your project schedule to complete the documents correctly, and on time.

We believe that you will benefit by retaining our professional services as part of your design team. We are prepared to meet with you at your convenience to discuss how we might work with you and provide you with specification consulting services for your future projects. If you are interested in learning more about the services we provide, or wish to obtain a fee proposal for a specific project, please feel free to Contact Us.